The Apostolic Church-Ghana Ordained New Ascension Ministers

TAC-GH Ordination

TAC-GH Ordination 2024

On Saturday, June 15, The Apostolic Church-Ghana held a grand ordination ceremony at its Retreat, Resource, and Conference Centre, where 35 ministers were ordained into the offices of Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. The event was a significant milestone, attracting a diverse array of dignitaries from various sectors, including Traditional Rulers, Members of Parliament, Ministers of State, High Commissioners, and church members from all over the country.

Ordination in The Apostolic Church-Ghana is a sacred and solemn ceremony. It involves anointing and setting apart ministers for the work of ministry. Before ordination, these ministers underwent rigorous scrutiny by the Council of Apostles and Prophets, a body mandated by the church’s constitution to make significant spiritual decisions for ratification by the General Council, the highest decision-making body of the church.

Apostle Dr. Aaron Ami-Narh, President of The Apostolic Church-Ghana, delivered a powerful sermon during the ceremony. He emphasized the need for a new light and voice from the pulpit, urging the ministers to embody the gospel of holiness in both word and character. Apostle Ami-Narh stressed that the days of preaching one thing and living another are over, and the ministers’ lives should reflect the teachings they espouse. This alignment of character and message is crucial for achieving the goal of perfecting the saints, for which God endowed the church with Ascension gifts.

He admonished the newly ordained ministers to take heed of themselves and their doctrine to ensure that they save both themselves and their listeners. This call to integrity and self-examination is vital for effective and impactful ministry.

Following the ordination, the newly ordained ministers celebrated with their families and loved ones. The joyous occasion marked the beginning of a new chapter in their spiritual journeys. As they returned to their respective stations, they carried with them renewed faith and fresh anointing for their ministerial duties, ready to make a significant impact in their communities and beyond.

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