Let’s Eliminate Selfishness to Speed up National Development – Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo Rtd.


In his Easter message titled “Let Peace Reign,” Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo Rtd., the immediate past President of The Apostolic Church-Ghana, called on Ghanaians to unite in combating what he described as the “Killer Syndrome” that has permeated society. He expressed concern over the increasing prevalence of attitudes and behaviors that undermine progress and development in Ghana.

Apostle Mankralo highlighted various manifestations of this “Killer Syndrome,” including the destruction of dreams, vision, good ideas, national policies, future leaders, and the environment through littering. He also lamented the erosion of work ethics due to glorified laziness and selfishness.

Attributing the root cause of this syndrome to selfishness, Apostle Mankralo emphasized the need for concerted efforts to foster a “Keeper Syndrome.” He defined this as caring, preserving, sustaining, and helping one another, transcending religious, tribal, racial, and political divides. He urged Ghanaians to transition from a “killing society” to a “keeping society” and to crucify selfishness and evil in their hearts, particularly during the Easter season.

Emphasizing the importance of peace and tranquility for Ghana’s progress, Apostle Mankralo encouraged citizens to work diligently and cooperate for positive change. He underscored the significance of peace in the upcoming 2024 December polls, urging all stakeholders, including the media, to prioritize the public good and contribute to fostering a peaceful and democratic environment.

In conclusion, Apostle Mankralo’s message resonated with the Easter spirit of renewal, reconciliation, and hope, calling on Ghanaians to embrace selflessness, unity, and peace for the betterment of society and the nation as a whole.

180 thoughts on “Let’s Eliminate Selfishness to Speed up National Development – Apostle Peter Okoe Mankralo Rtd.

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