High Court Granted Application for Expeditious Hearing Seeking to Compel President Nana Addo to Recieve LGBTQ+ Bill for Assent.


High Court Gives green light for Expeditious Hearing of Application to compel President to receive and assent LBGTQ+ Bill

High Court Grants Application

High Court Grants Application

The Accra High Court has granted an expedited hearing motion filed by Member of Parliament (MP) Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, seeking to compel President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to accept and assent to the Human Rights and Family Values Bill 2024. The court’s decision comes after the South Dayi MP argued that the case involves important constitutional considerations and requires urgent attention.

Surprisingly, the Attorney-General’s office did not oppose the motion during the hearing on Tuesday, April 9. Once the motion was granted, the court requested the lawyers for the South Dayi MP to proceed with the motion.

The application seeks to compel Parliament to transmit the anti-LGBTQ bill to the President and for the President to accept the bill within seven days, as per the provisions of the constitution. The lawyers for the MP argued that once Parliament has duly passed such laws, the President cannot dictate how Parliament should do its job.


Mr. Dafeamekpor filed a new application at the High Court on March 25 to compel the Speaker of Parliament to submit the Anti-LGBT bill to the President within seven days.

The plaintiff also seeks to compel the President to accept the bill and either sign it or indicate to Parliament why he cannot assent to it within the same period.


The application is based on the argument that the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill has been duly passed by Parliament in compliance with the Constitution.

The relief sought includes a declaration that Parliament complied with all constitutional provisions in passing the bill, an order for the bill to be presented to the President, and an order for the President to either assent to the bill or communicate his refusal within seven days.

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